To the faithful woman who is feeling inadequate, exhausted, scattered and struggling in your relationships:


Invest 1 HOUR a Week to

learn Mental Health Skills through a Spiritual Lens

to gain HOURS back in

Productivity, Improved Relationships, Consistent Spiritual Habits and Emotional Healing

AND strengthen your mental health for future challenges

The LDS Mental Health Skills Membership provides FOUR PROGRAMS to learn Mental health skills through a spiritual lens to strengthen your Mental Health for future Challenges.

See what other women are saying after the program... 


Which one do you relate with the most?

Listen, being a faithful woman is hard!


And today, with all the different directions that you get pulled

and all the different opinions on how to do the right thing, it’s hard to keep up, let alone know the right direction for you and your family.


And if you’re like most women before they start working with me, then you probably feel overwhelmed, exhausted...and wondering how long you can endure physically, mentally and spiritually, am I right?

Most women think that in order to receive help, time, energy and peace during their internal battles they need to come up with a big plan to do more and execute it perfectly.


The truth is, the real culprit is the natural man. 


The real reason you are not able to:

✔️Stay focused to get more done

✔️Accomplish more in less time

✔️Help your loved ones

✔️Have energy to tackle the day



We all have a natural man inside of us. It is supposed to be there. The natural man is the opposition that was placed inside of you at the fall of Adam and Eve.YOU are not broken because you have the natural man, God placed it inside of you. It’s purpose is to allow you to have agency to choose God. Without it, you would not know good and evil.

Most women think that in order to mental clarity, relationship help, peace and healing during their internal battles they need to come up with a big plan to do more and execute it perfectly.


The truth is, the real culprit is the natural man. 


The real reason you are not able to:

                 Stay focused to be productive,

                 Improve your relationships,

                 Quality time doing what you love,

                 Feel peace in your unchangeable situation



We all have a natural man inside of us. It is supposed to be there. The natural man is the opposition that was placed inside of you at the fall of Adam and Eve. YOU are not broken because you have the natural man, God placed it inside of you. It’s purpose is to allow you to have agency to choose God. Without it, you would not know good and evil.

But the goal isn’t to try to get rid of the natural man (that won’t happen in this life).


It is to get to know HOW YOUR natural man is working against YOU.


But the goal isn’t to try to get rid of the natural man (that won’t happen in this life).

It is to get to know HOW YOUR natural man is working against YOU.


Elder Bednar said that,

 “Understanding the intent of an enemy is vital to effective preparation for possible attacks.”


Well guess who is your enemy? That’s right, the Natural man is an enemy to God.


D&C 38:30-31 says:

"if ye are prepared ye shall not fear. that ye might escape the power of the ​​​enemy​."


If you don’t learn how to understand and work with your natural man then you run the risk of being deceived and lose the opportunity to let Christ help you help your loved ones.


If you try to execute a big plan perfectly while in the natural man state you will just make things worse because you will amplify your overwhelm and guilt and sink your energy.


Trying to be faithful from the Natural Man state is like driving a manual car in first gear going 60 MPH. YOU ARE BURNING OUT YOUR ENGINE. It’s not the most efficient way to LIVE.

Elder Bednar said that,

“Understanding the intent of an enemy is vital to effective preparation for possible attacks.”

Well guess who your enemy is? That’s right, the natural man is an enemy to God.

D&C 38:30-31 says

"if ye are prepared ye shall not fear. that ye might escape the power of the ​​​enemy​."

If you don’t learn how to understand and work with your natural man then you run the risk of being deceived and lose the opportunity to let Christ help you help your loved ones.


If you try to execute a big plan perfectly while in the natural man state you will just make things worse because you will amplify your overwhelm and guilt and sink your energy.


Trying to be faithful from the Natural Man state is like driving a manual car in first gear going 60 MPH. YOU ARE BURNING OUT YOUR ENGINE. It’s not the most efficient way to connect with God.

If you’re stuck in that natural man state... which of these applies to you:

After reading that, how much of it applies to you? 

Now you know why

you are overwhelmed, exhausted and feeling inadequate

because you are in the Natural Man state


If you’re like most busy women, then chances are, you’re operating from this natural man state and not even knowing it.


But that’s ok! It’s all that you knew how to do...UNTIL NOW!

The Cold hard truth is... 

if you don’t learn to understand your natural man, you will continue to have roadblocks in your way of feeling mental clarity, relationship help, peace and healing beyond your own capacity.


Show me just one woman that is able to lead her family to love and live the gospel daily without the ability to connect with God and receive His peace at all times.


You Can’t!


That’s because those women know what you may not have realized until right now: His grace provides your assurance in life.


>>>When you get to know your natural man and remove the internal roadblocks that the natural man creates, then you can

  • Stay focused to be productive
  • Improve your relationships
  • Quality time doing what you love
  • Feel peace in your unchangeable situation

And NO ONE can remove all their roadblocks and be perfect in this life (not me, and not you!) But anyone can learn to recognize when they are being triggered in the natural man state and use skills to return to their True Divine Self and access capacity beyond your own. 


In this program, I am going to show you EXACTLY how to do that...and it starts with learning Mental Health Skills trough a Spiritual Lens so that you can RECEIVE mental clarity, relationship help, peace and healing beyond your own capacity

"I would say that this is the most powerful and effective way I have ever learned to understand and recognize revelation. I have never understood the difference between the natural man and my True Divine self and the impact it has in my daily life. I have learned how to recognize the difference between the two, separate them, and actually put off the natural man to understand what God really wants for me and my life. This program is uplifting, helpful, and safe place where you can be vulnerable in your struggle and be taught well and so supported."

See what others have said about these revolutionary programs

...and transform you and your family! Just like these other’s did 



Overwhelmed with everything on her plate

✔ Felt like she was failing at everything

✔ Trying to keep 1 million balls in the air

✔ Felt paralyzed at deciding which balls to let fall

✔ Praying for answers and felt more confused

✔ Had no more time in the day to spare for any solutions


"Niki understands the inner workings of Latter-day Saint moms' minds, and understands how to put things into perspective. She helped me to learn to recognize and trust the promptings in my daily life, and recognize the adversary trying to bring me down and make me feel inadequate.  She helped me develop so much more confidence in my motherhood. Niki has changed the way I think and feel about everything that happens in my day, and quite frankly, it's been life-changing for me."




 Everything scared her and made her anxious

✔ Struggling to respond to in healthy ways to day-to-day challenges

✔ Childhood traumas were weighing heavily on her

✔ Horrible fear of trials

✔ Did not have tools to handle what was in front of her


"I have so many tools that are helping me take my power back. I didn't even realize that the natural man was affecting me like it was and now I realize my natural man had all the power and now I understand how to put it to sleep and reconnect with the true source of power, my God. It also has taught me how to articulate what I am feeling and to calm my anxiety."




 Had difficulty dealing with stressful situations

✔ Would spiral at the thought of something bad happening

✔ Felt alone and disconnected 

✔ Struggling in personal relationships 

✔ Did not have coping skills or the ability to be self-aware


"This program has fundamentally changed me, and in turn has impacted my entire family. Niki has an ability to get to the heart of the problem, as she sees things from a very different perspective. She has taught me coping skills that have allowed me to deal with incredibly stressful situations. She has helped me better understand my spiritual nature, to know that I am enough, and to believe that I am not alone."

Which of these results inspire you the most?

Which of these results would you like?

See what's waiting for you when you join...

Inside the membership you will have access to...

POWERFUL mental health skills through a spiritual lens to RECEIVE mental clarity, relationship help, peace and healing beyond your own capacity. 


All for the same as ONE copay to a therapist per month!

Stories from women who have

used the Mental Health Skills Through a Spiritual Lens

To Become A Divine Receiver 

 Which story do you find yourself living right now?


When You're Failing at Everything

As a mom of 4 autistic children Brianna has lived in chaos for many years. She felt that she didn't know how to feel the spirit and struggled to find peace and calm in the midst of difficult trials. What she learned in the course was the "miracle they had been praying for."

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Bringing Spirituality into Mental Health 

Emmalee struggled to feel connected to her kids, her husband, and even herself. She knew what she needed was to combine her mental and spiritual health to help her manage emotions in relationships and face her trials with faith instead of fear.

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Perfection or Nothing


Like many women, Krystal has struggled to calm her thoughts of self-doubt and the idea that she needed to be perfect in all areas of her life.  She strived for that perfection by always being busy and doing more. This only lead to more overwhelm, more chaos, more stress.

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When You're Failing at Everything

As a mom of 4 autistic children, Brianna has lived in chaos for many years. She felt that she didn't know how to feel the spirit and struggled to find peace and calm in the midst of difficult trials. What she learned in the course was the "miracle they had been praying for."

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Bringing Spirituality into Mental Health 

Emmalee struggled to feel connected to her kids, her husband, and even herself. She knew what she needed was to combine her mental and spiritual health to help her manage emotions in relationships, connect with her family, and face her trials with faith instead of fear.

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Perfection or Nothing


Like many women, Krystal struggled to calm her thoughts of self-doubt and the idea that she needed to be perfect in all areas of her life. She strived for that perfection by always being busy and doing more. Learning how to let go of expectations changed everything for her.

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Doing the Primary Answers But it’s Not Working

A mental health diagnosis left Emily in an identity crisis. She turned to her spiritual routine for answers but found herself "going through the motions" with no real answers. This course helped her more fully hear the spirit, connect with the Savior, and find confidence in herself.

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When You Worry Too Much About Your Loved Ones

Lee Ann has spent the majority of her life struggling with anxiety and the fear of unexpected death. Her fears and promptings felt so similar that she couldn't distinguish the two. She has now learned to recognize when her anxiety is talking to her and when the spirit is prompting her to act.

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Having a Hard Time Hearing the Spirit

Moms are BUSY and Anna is no exception. She was overwhelmed with too much to do and plagued with guilt if she took time for herself. Exhaustion and stress made it difficult for her to hear the spirit. The program helped her find peace in the chaos, prioritize her responsibilities, and feel God's assurance and love.

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Doing the Primary Answers But it’s Not Working

A mental health diagnosis left Emily in an identity crisis. She turned to her spiritual routine for answers but found herself "going through the motions" with no real answers. This course helped her more fully hear the spirit, connect with the Savior, and find confidence in herself.

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When You Worry Too Much About Your Loved Ones

Lee Ann has spent the majority of her life struggling with anxiety and the fear of unexpected death. Her fears and promptings felt so similar that she couldn't distinguish the two. She has now learned to recognize when her anxiety is talking to her and when the spirit is prompting her to act.

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Having a Hard Time Hearing the Spirit

Moms are BUSY and Anna is no exception. She was overwhelmed with too much to do and plagued with guilt if she took time for herself. Exhaustion and stress made it difficult for her to hear the spirit. The program helped her find peace in the chaos, prioritize her responsibilities, and feel God's assurance and love.

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Navigating Difficult Situations

Stefanie joined the group because she was seeking help in connecting with Christ.  She wanted to remove the mental roadblocks o self-doubt and worry so she could better understand her role as a wife and stepmom.  The program taught her to trust that God is watching over His children and He knows exactly what needs to be done.

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When Problems Don’t Go Away

Emma has struggled the majority of her life with body dysmorphia and eating disorders. She tried different types of therapeutic modalities to help her heal and live a more full life. What she needed was mental health tools through a spiritual lens. The Removing Roadblocks to Revelation Group Coaching Program was exactly what she needed.

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When Something Is Missing In Your Life

As Courtney started her business venture she felt that something was missing in her plan. She had the skill set, the mindset, and an idea but wasn't sure how to meld them all together. The Removing Roadblocks to Revelation Group Coaching Program gave her  the tools she needed to accomplish what she felt prompted to do.

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Navigating Difficult Situations

Stefanie joined the group because she was seeking help in connecting with Christ.  She wanted to remove the mental roadblocks o self-doubt and worry so she could better understand her role as a wife and stepmom.  The program taught her to trust that God is watching over His children and He knows exactly what needs to be done.

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When Problems Don’t Go Away

Emma has struggled the majority of her life with body dysmorphia and eating disorders. She tried different types of therapeutic modalities to help her heal and live a more full life. What she needed was mental health tools through a spiritual lens. The Removing Roadblocks to Revelation Group Coaching Program was exactly what she needed.

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When Something Is Missing In Your Life

As Courtney started her business venture she felt that something was missing in her plan. She had the skill set, the mindset, and an idea but wasn't sure how to meld them all together. The Removing Roadblocks to Revelation Group Coaching Program gave her  the tools she needed to accomplish what she felt prompted to do.

Watch Full Interview


Mental clarity, Relationship help, Peace and Healing beyond your own capacity

Join the LDS Mental Health Skills Membership

Join us the next time the LDS Mental Health Skills Membership Opens


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June 2025