Enroll in the Spiritual Survival Course
Strengthen your spiritual foundation to withstand spiritual storms that threaten your faith

Give me 15 minutes a day to make a POWERFUL connection with God

and RECEIVE God's Strength, Healing and Love!

Imagine feeling God's power to:  


        ✔︎ Feel efficient and motivated to tackle the day through your daily spiritual habits
        ✔︎ Discern God’s direction at every moment by hearing the still small voice of the Spirit
        ✔︎ Have endurance physically and mentally to deal with challenges through God's power


Imagine feeling God's power to:  


        ✔︎ Feel efficient and motivated to tackle the day through your daily spiritual habits
        ✔︎ Discern God’s direction at every moment by hearing the still small voice of the Spirit
        ✔︎ Have endurance physically and mentally to deal with challenges through God's power


Learn THREE frameworks to become a receiver so you can build a stronger relationship with God, have consistent spiritual habits and hear “Him daily”.

"This course provided a structure and some guidance for me to create habits that work for me and help me know how to get into the mindset so I can be open and ready to receive revelation."
"Your final advice about how rules inhibit revelation locked it in for me that I needed this course. I want everyone to learn this seamless approach. I think it could help so many people!"
"I would recommend this course to anyone struggling to feel the spirit, isn't sure how to revelation, or who, like me, is doing "all the things we're supposed to," but feels spiritually numb. I now feel like I have a relationship with Heavenly Father, Christ and am feeling the Spirit all day long."

>>> Keeping a consistent spiritual routine...

>>connecting with God...

>>>and Hearing Him daily...

is tough!


And with all the things you need to get done in one day, people you need to take care of and the energy you are using to do it can make it hard to squeeze in all your “supposed to be doing” on the spiritual front. Especially if you feel rushed, can’t focus, keep getting interrupted or are overwhelmed into doing nothing.

>>> Keeping a consistent spiritual routine...

>>connecting with God...

>>>and Hearing Him daily...

is tough!


And with all the things you need to get done in one day, people you need to take care of and the energy you are using to do it can make it hard to squeeze in all your “supposed to be doing” on the spiritual front. Especially if you feel rushed, can’t focus, keep getting interrupted or are overwhelmed into doing nothing.

If you’re like most women before they complete the Spiritual Survival Course, then you probably feel like your TODO list is never ending, you’re doing things all day but not feeling accomplished and exhausted the moment you wake up, am I right?


Most people think that in order to receive better revelation in their lives they need to DO more to BE better.


But the truth is...

Looking at the gospel as a set of tasks to be completed...

will only turn you into a DOER

and the gospel will turn into one big CHECKLIST. 


What you may not realize is looking at the gospel as a checklist rather than a relationship where you RECEIVE is costing you a significant source of power in your life.

The DOER is stuck on the hamster wheel of DOING…


Can you relate with the

"Doer Mentality"


I keep telling myself that I need to get back on track again with a better routine. 

I keep a habit for a long time then stop when I miss one day

Scripture study feels like a chore I check off a list 

My schedule makes it hard to have consistent, daily spiritual habits.

I have a hard time recognizing the spirit on a daily basis.

I can't find the perfect study plan so I do nothing

I say my prayers everyday but they are not very meaningful.

I am trying to hear the whisperings of the spirit but life is too chaotic and busy.

I want to recognize the spirit's promptings but I wonder if that's my own thoughts or fear talking.

I am wanting answers to prayers, but  I am not sure how to find them.

After reading this, how much of the "Doer Mentality" applies to you?

Don’t be ashamed though!

It’s not your fault!


If you’re like most women you feel like you need to DO a certain amount of things then that will prove your worth and value.


But that’s ok! It’s all that you knew... 


If you don’t learn how to be a RECEIVER rather than a DOER you are costing yourself a closer connection with Christ and...

lose the opportunity to let Christ help you with your day. You are also missing out on so much revelation by turning the gospel into a checklist instead of a relationship.

Just show me one woman that is able to check enough things off of her list and feels a closer connection with God 


You can’t

That’s because those women know what you may not have realized until now:

When RECEIVING revelation you can “be enabled to accomplish things you simply could not do on our own.” ~President Nelson

When you learn to be a RECEIVER in the gospel...

you can receive the

power, knowledge, healing and love that is all around you all the time. 

Kind of like radio waves!

Now you can’t see radio waves bouncing all around you nor can you hear them

But if you got the right tool...like a radio and turned it to the right station then you could hear those radio waves

The Answer:

Tune into God’s


And receive God’s power, knowledge, healing and love

The problem is...

you can’t receive a continuous stream of revelation unless you use the right tools to tune into it.


A THREE Module Video Course to help you become


so you can use the right tools to:


➠ See the Gospel as a relationship not a checklist and have endurance physically and mentally


➠ Understand how to “Hear Him” and discern God’s direction at every moment


Develop consistent daily spiritual habits to feel efficient and motivated

AND this could be YOUR STORY when you enroll!

RAECHEL: "I used to have solid habits with prayer and scripture study and then I had a baby and 15 years of habits went out the window. This course provided a structure and some guidance for me to create habits that work for me and help me know how to get into the mindset so I can be open and ready to receive revelation."
ESTHER: "I am having probably the most challenging year of my career and feel like I am drowning trying to keep up with everything I have to do. I know that working on these modules is helping me to learn how to manage more on my plate while keeping Christ in the center of my life."
BRITTNEY: "I always try to wake up early and do my study first thing in the morning, but it often doesn't happen, which means my study sessions either don't happen or are rushed. Having this outlook is going to help me so much. Your final advice about how rules inhibit revelation locked it in for me that I needed this course. I want everyone to learn this seamless approach. I think it could help so many people!
JODY: "Before the course, my daily habits consisted of daily prayer and listening to conference talks while highlighting phrases I liked here and there without taking notes. I learned that in order to receive revelation I need to maintain a relationship with each member of the godhead. I learned about my heavenly mother who I never considered before and it is always beneficial to learn new ways to receive revelation."

See What’s waiting for you when you join...

I also have some "extra goodies" for you!


The THREE main sections of the Spiritual Survival Course will completely transform the way you approach your relationship with God.


But that’s only the beginning.


When you start the Spiritual Survival Course, you will also get 3 BONUSES to make your progress even faster and your success even simpler!


Starting with…

The Spiritual Survival Course will only be available as part of the LDS Mental Health Skills Membership.  Join the waitlist to be notified when registration opens.

Enter your name and email address to jump on the waitlist now