Episode 92: Debunking 5 Myths of Revelation Meditations

energy holy ghost meditation personal revelation Apr 10, 2023


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If you didn’t listen to last week's episode you might be wondering what Revelation Meditations actually are. Revelation Meditations are not your typical meditations that relax you to fall asleep, or clear your mind of thoughts. Truth is, you don't want to clear your mind of thoughts, you want to have CLARITY in your THOUGHTS! Let me explain further. 

These special type of meditations will guide you to:

  • Shift you into a state where you're receiving from Christ, not battling with the natural man.
  • Fill your mind with life changing questions that help you align with God.
  • Help you understand His guidance.
  • Connect you with His strength.

The point is, you don't want to shut everything off, you need MORE information from a new mental vantage point, an eternal perspective. Revelation meditations are what allow you to enter that vantage point where you can be contemplative with your thoughts not arguing with your thoughts. When you have that vantage point the Holy Ghost brings clarity and requires thought and contemplation combined. This is what I teach you how to do in my Clarity in the Chaos Course.

Many women are having success with this course. They are implementing the skills they learn into their daily routine and have received the time, energy, and help they were seeking. After Courtney completed this course she said,

“I LOVE how each of the mediations connected me to Christ and my divine self - I have been looking for meditations like this for so long and I just love having these as part of my routine. I truly feel like I have received such incredible insights from these meditations that I don’t know if I would have received otherwise.” 

With the Clarity in the Chaos Course you will learn to feel PEACE in the UNPEACEFUL in less than 20 minutes a day without clearing your mind of all thoughts. You will also learn a variety of 20 different Revelation Meditations to connect to a power beyond your own that facilitates:

Clarity in your thoughts to stop getting distracted and be guided in what’s most important so you can feel at peace with the things that  didn’t get checked off your list.

Receiving the Still small voice to be a vessel for the Savior and have confidence that you’re receiving exact answer to help in every situation.

Yoking to the Savior’s enabling power to increase your mental and physical stamina so you can get more done than you can do on your own.

Another woman who has found success in the course is Emily. I want to share with you what she thought after using these 20 meditations. I love what she shares because she was truly able to bring PEACE IN THE UNPEACEFUL parts of her day. She said,

“Niki’s revelation mediations became part of my study and prayer. They brought a calm and sense of stillness in my crazy day. I would learn something new every time, have new thoughts, and was left feeling refreshed.”

I began meditating some time ago and quickly found out how beneficial is was. I even recently share how much it helped my during an unexpected hospital stay. I was able to implement what I had learned and found a lot of clarity throughout that difficult experience. Certainly what President David O. McKay said about meditation is true. 

 "Meditation is one of the most secret and sacred doors through with we can pass into the presence of the Lord."

Seems like a pretty important skill to learn and implement frequently right? But you know what? Every time I speak with women about meditation I hear a few responses that usually start with "But what if..." I want to answer your "What if's" here to help you unlock that sacred door into the presence of the Lord and not allow those myths keep you from developing the skill of meditation.

What if I just fall asleep during meditation? 

It's true, some meditations are set up to help you sleep. While others, can make you so relaxed you want to sleep. The difference with Revelation Meditations is that they will shift your physiology to a more relaxed body and calm mind but will then be prompting your mind to start thinking about certain subjects allowing you to stay in tune with the meditation. 

I also have a module in the course that gives you tips and tricks to stay alert and awake while receiving the revelation you need for your life. I had someone that went through the Revelation Meditations and reached out because they were feeling sleepy when they did the meditations. After talking, she realized she hadn’t prioritized sleep for herself. So we discussed how the Spirit can sometimes manifest to you what you need to do with your body so that your mind and spirit can be ready for revelation. After prioritizing sleep, she was able to listen to the meditations and be fully alert.

 What if my mind just wanders during meditation?

The goal of Revelation Meditations is not to STOP your thoughts. Rather, a wandering mind in the right state is usually a good thing. The Holy Ghost can work with those thoughts and prompt them. If you try to control your thoughts to go in a certain direction then you aren't opening yourself up to the possibilities that revelation can bring. 

In this course, you will learn to identify when you are in the right state of mind and receiving revelation. That is one of the many benefits. Learning to tell when you are receiving revelation will open the doors to more knowledge, more understanding, more clarity. Krystal experienced this very thing. She said,

“ I had a counselor that wanted me meditating and not thinking about anything!!! That is pretty much impossible for me and I felt like a failure when I couldn’t do it. She kept telling me if i kept trying I would be able to eventually do it… Your meditations are different from that and I love that about them. I’m not trying to completely turn my brain off and stop all thinking. My mind is able to think about the things I need then instead of forcing no thoughts.”

In order for Krystal to find clarity she didn't need to shut everything off. She simply need to release herself from a certain outcome. By doing that she was able to receive the meditation that not only she wanted, but she was able to think about the things she truly "NEEDED".

What if I just overthink everything?

If you are a chronic overthinker, this is the perfect course for you! At the beginning of every Revelation Meditation, you will learn a 7 step process for exiting the overthinking state. This process can be replicated anytime, even when you're not listening to the meditations. Learning this skill may take some time to develop and you won't be perfect at it at first.

Dedicating the time and energy it takes to learn the skills in the 7 step process will help you combat your overthinking. Which is something that can happen often and unexpectedly. In those moments you will be able to stop overthinking and have the clarity you need. Does that sound like something you want to invest some time into doing to help your overthinking tendencies?

What if I’m not receiving the revelation I think I should be?

The bible dictionary tells us that "The English word revelation is translated from a Greek word apocalypse, meaning to make known or uncover." With that very meaning, receiving personal revelation is to make something known or uncovered to YOU. Not you going to the Lord saying what YOU think should happen, but rather you understanding what He knows. 

Elder Bednar teaches that some revelation comes like the sun rising over time and other revelation can come like a light switch being turned on immediately. You are not able to dictate when and how you will receive revelation. Your job is to be open and have trust that God will provide you with the revelation you need for that moment.

Through this course, you will begin to build your trust in the process of revelation. You will learn to identify when you are receiving revelation and you will grow in your ability to receive more and more vital revelation for your day.

What if I’m scared about the revelation I receive?

 One thing to remember, is that when God reveals information to you, He also PROVIDES a way for you to accomplish that task. If you are feeling fear about receiving revelation, this is a great course for you. What you need is the ability to start building trust with God in the little daily revelations so you can form a stronger relationship. 

You will then feel excited about the revelations you receive. This excitement will come because you will feel like there are better things in store. Even when you don't fully understand the purpose in the revelation you will more fully trust God and His plan and feel confident in God having your back and doing what is best for you.

Did those answers bring some clarity to you about your ability to learn the skill of meditation? If you have another question I didn't answer, just shoot me an email or find me on social media and send me a message. I would love to hear from you.

If you are ready to start to grow in your ability to receive revelation and connect with Christ’s enabling power for more time, energy and help then invest in the Clarity in the Chaos Course to receive 20 Revelation Meditations. 

Remember, these 20 meditations are not one and done. They were created so that you will receive different revelation every time you do them. They are for continual revelation for all stages of your life. A resource for your lifetime. 

Also THIS WEEK ONLY I am doing a special opening discount for my podcast listeners. I am giving you 3 bonuses with the Clarity in the Chaos Course.

The first bonus is a Seeking Personal Revelation JournalThis is a $40 value! There are 10 Revelation Meditations that go right along with the Journal. They will help you ponder your prayers before you say them, seek questions from God, stretch your ability to receive revelation and align your long term goals with God. 

The second bonus is 5 more meditations called Active Revelation Meditations. These are ones you can do DURING your busy day. These are meditations you can listen to and keep doing your daily tasks. They are also designed to help you get through the sticky parts of the day. 

Then the third Bonus is PDF that teaches you 10 ways to expand time through prayer. Prayer is a way for us to communicate with God and receive God's wisdom, power, love and healing. What I see a lot of women doing in prayer are asking for big blessings to be granted. While God is willing and able to answer those prayers, God usually answers them over the course of time with small blessings. This PDF gives you 10 ways to use prayer to access Christ’s enabling power and essentially expand time.

This major discount will only be available for 1 week and will end on April 9, 2023 so take advantage of this great deal and start accessing that sacred door to the Lord today.

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