Episode 58: Developing Spiritual Gifts with Becky Squires

spirtual gifts May 23, 2022

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“My dear sisters, you have special spiritual gifts and propensities. I urge you with all the hope of my heart to pray to understand your spiritual gifts – to cultivate, use, and expand them, even more than you ever have. You will change the world as you do so.” 

 ~ Russell M. Nelson


I recently invited Becky Squires to join me on the Meaningful Minutes Podcast and we spoke of this very topic. She is a wife, mother, writer, runner, and cheesecake-connoisseur. Becky is also a business owner who believes in helping “women get the courage to use their spiritual gifts to be useful throughout the world.” During our conversation Becky defined spiritual gifts as, "blessings or abilities given to us by God for the benefit of blessing others."

I thought that was really beautiful and a testament to our divinity and the care with which we were created. We all have a great purpose in this life and our spiritual gifts are what help us fulfill that purpose. Sadly though, as Becky shared, many women do not "know what their spiritual gifts are or don't think they have any." 

Understanding our spiritual gifts is crucial in knowing who we are and what our great purpose is. Knowing what our spiritual gifts are will open our eyes to many opportunities and give us the confidence we need to take advantage of such moments. Let me share with you how you too can discover your gifts and how to put them to work.

1. Where To Find Your Spiritual Gifts

In the scriptures we find lists and descriptions of specific spiritual gifts. Phrases that we often equate with such gifts are the gifts of tongues, the gift of healing, the gift of testimony, the gift of discernment and so on. While these gifts truly are a blessing the list itself is not comprehensive. Not every gift ever given to God's children is listed in the scriptures. 

Your spiritual gifts are just that. YOURS! They are a part of you. Your Heavenly Parents created you with them as a part of your purpose. So take a moment and make a list of things that you enjoy doing or talents you have. You can even ask those who love you what talents they see in you.

Two important aspects of this step:

  • Don't sell yourself short. Spiritual gifts don't have to be of a spiritual nature. All of your talents and gifts can be used to grow yourself and other's spiritually.
  • Talents can be discovered and developed at any point in your life. Regardless of your age or experiences of the past you can continue to learn and grow your talents. You can even take hobbies and things you want to learn more about and develop them into talents that help you share Gods love and light.


1. How To Use Your Spiritual Gifts

Once you have pinpointed some of your gifts and interests you can put them to work. Everything we know how to do, learn how to do, or have a natural gift to do, can be used to further God's work and our purpose in His plan. 

"When we can use those qualities and hobbies or talents to bless the lives of others, and more specifically, to bring others to the gospel or to share the gospel with them...That's when it becomes a spiritual gift."  ~Becky Squires

Becky is a great example of this. She is a talented writer and truly enjoys expressing herself in written word. So much so that years ago she began blogging about her life as a wife and mom. It was an outlet for her and she was in the midst of raising young children. She spent a lot of her time and energy on her blog and worried that it was taking up much needed space in her life when she could be focusing on other areas.

Then, in 2007, she heard a talk given by Elder Ballard titled, "Sharing the Gospel Using the Internet." He spoke of the powerful reach of the internet and how it can used for good or bad. He encouraged members of the Church to share their voice and testimony online.

"Now, may I ask that you join the conversation by participating on the Internet to share the gospel and to explain in simple and clear terms the message of the Restoration. Most of you already know that if you have access to the Internet you can start a blog in minutes and begin sharing what you know to be true." ~ Elder Ballard

Becky took this to heart. She realized that she could use her platform coupled with her talent and excitement for writing to share the gospel on her blog. This experience and her efforts of using her spiritual gift has now catapulted into other avenues. She now uses her blog, social media, and her magazine, Latter-Day Woman, to spread the good news of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Now, you might be thinking that writing is an obvious gift that can be used to share the gospel. But keep in mind, Becky could have written about anything. So ponder on your talents and how you can make small changes to how you use them in order to bless the lives of others. Consider the following ways that your gifts to can be used to share goodness.

  • Perhaps you can easily decorate a cake and deliver it to a ministering sister on her birthday.
  • Maybe you are a talented speaker and could create YouTube videos sharing scripture stories.
  • If you are someone who can draw you could create biblical depictions for children.
  • You could use your organizing skills to help a new mom organize her nursery.
  • Your gift of conversation could welcome a new neighbor.
  • With your experience in sports you can teach a younger generation those same skills.
  • You can use your sense of humor to bring light and laughter to difficult moments.
  • As your friends are struggling your logical personality will bring calmness.
  • When your neighbor hosts a party your decorating talents can ease her stress.

Those are just a few of the unlimited ways that your gifts, talents and hobbies can be used to further God's work on the Earth.  YOU were made with a great purpose in mind.  A purpose that is far greater than you could possibly comprehend in fallen world and your reach is unstoppable.

Learning what your gifts are and how you can use them to bless others will help you build a connection to your Creator, build your confidence, and help you recognize your divinity as a daughter of God as you bless the lives of so many around you.


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