Episode 123: Missions and Mental Health with Guest Hadley Dunn

anxiety mental health ministering self care Oct 09, 2023


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Serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the dream of many young members of the Church. The same was true for Hadley Dunn. She wanted to serve a mission her entire life. As she grew older and the time came to serve the anxiety she had faced throughout her life brought some additional roadblocks that she had to work around. But she was determined.

As she submitted her papers, received her call, and began her mission she pushed through those roadblocks and was able to serve. She met some amazing people, connected with her Savior, and learned more about herself as she utilized the resources the church offers to missionaries. Today I am sharing three things she learned that made it possible for her to serve the mission that Heavenly Father needed her to.

As Hadley entered the mission field she quickly realized how much the rigors of daily mission life and the unexpected changes that happen affected her mental health. Her anxiety and worries weighed heavy on her and she began to experience doubts she never had before. In answer to her prayers she was able to meet with the mission therapist and learn valuable tools to help her navigate mission life. 

Throughout her mission Hadley continued to rely on those tools coupled with her faith that God would never give her a challenge that she couldn't get through with His help. During a particularly difficult time she came upon the scripture Luke 1:37 that reads, "For with God nothing shall be impossible." This scripture became the theme for Hadley throughout her mission. Each time she faced a trial that seemed insurmountable she would rely on those words. She knew that, despite her battles with her mental health, God was keenly aware of her and was continually by her side guiding her in whatever way she needed.

One of the most important things that Hadley learned during her time as a missionary is that the support from the people around her is paramount in managing her anxiety. The compassion from her companions, the wise counsel from her mission president, and above all the unconditional love from her family as she returned home earlier than expected. The people in her life are a large part of the reason that she has been able to find comfort, peace, and healing. Having served to best of her ability she continues to share her story to help others who want to serve. 

If you or someone you love is wanting to serve a mission but is concerned about their mental health please know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints offers many resources to help give each of us the opportunity to serve in whatever way Heavenly Father knows we can.

LDS Mental Health Skills Membership Waitlist


Learn to become a Divine Receiver with Mental Health Skills so you can:

stop wasting time getting distracted and accomplish more in less time to be productive
become a vessel for the Savior to help your struggling loved ones or improve relationships
heal and manage emotions to cope with life's challenges and spend more quality time doing what you love
have Consistent Spiritual Habits that help you discern personal revelation and feel peace in your unchangeable situations


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